Resep donat kentang enak dan empuk

Hari ini buka puasa dengan donat. Resep donat ini favorit kita sekeluarga, hasilnya empuk banget karena pakai kentang dan 4 kuning telur. Silahkan dicoba resep dari ibu Fatmah Bahalwan ini, ikuti resep, tipsnya dan dijamin hasilnya sedap deh! Selamat mencoba ^_^

500 gr   tepung terigu protein tinggi
50 gr     susu bubuk
11 gr     ragi instan/instant yeast
200 gr   kentang, kukus, haluskan dan dinginkan
100 gr   gula pasir
75 gr     mentega
½ sdt    garam
4 btr      kuning telur
100 ml   air dingin

Anak- anak ikut membantu mencetak donat dengan 
bentuk-bentuk boneka beruang, bintang, gajah dan hati

Cara membuatnya:

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Life is short - Don't waste it!

Life is short - start doing something useful! Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet ^_^

My name is Sari and I am an Indonesian, happily married to a Scottish guy. I was an English instructor back home, but now I am a work at home mom and living a simple but happy life in Spain with my husband Scott and our two boys Nico and Kian. I love blogging, reading, surfing the internet, dancing, cooking, studying languages and cultures. In here on my personal blog you will read everything about my life with my lovely family, activities, interests, thoughts, experiences and stuff that you might be interested in. Come and check out my website at 3 bedroom wooden villa overlooking Lake Beratan and Bedugul valley Bali Indonesia Cottage Rental Granada Spain, 10 minutes from Alhambra, 25 minutes from Sierra Nevada ski resort Penthouse Granada Connect with me on Facebook

4 Tips To Ensure Your Children Learn Spanish

4 Tips To Ensure Your Children Learn Spanish

Author: Jeff Yuan

Anything that you want to learn is easier to do when you're young rather than waiting until growing up.  This is simply because of the way the brain is designed to process and assimilate new information.  This is also true for anyone who wants to learn Spanish.  Here are a few ways that you can help your children learn Spanish while they're young.

1. Read Spanish stories
When you read to your children, you will provide them several benefits.  For one thing, if you read them picture books, they can match the pictures and words.  This is the same thing when it comes to Spanish, and especially if you read to them before bed.  This can be delegated to a few nights each week, and you can switch English and Spanish stories so they can learn them both.

2. Learn in a passive way
If you surround and immerse your children with Spanish in various forms, you make the learning curve shorter.  You should consider turning on a radio program in Spanish, or using audio CDs such as music or Spanish lessons in the car.  Many people overlook the fact that you don't need to actually focus on the materials as they play in the background.  This is a passive way to learn, so you make their environment conducive to learning the language.